Learn Reiki

Level 1

Usui Reiki Level 1 is taught as a one-on-one* or group class during one day of intensive training. Reiki attunements will be performed individually for each student. At the end of the course the student will receive a certificate for that level of training.

You will learn,
~ What Reiki is
~ Principles & Ethics of energy healing and balance in give/take of a Reiki session.
~ How the emotions effect the physical body.
~ Benefits of Reiki
~ Reiki attunement
` Self-Reiki
~ In-class practice time
~ Reiki Level 1 manual
~ Reiki Level 1 certificate
~ guided meditation to ground and protect

Please note there is a 50.00 Non Refundable deposit to secure your spot

 Level 2

Usui Reiki Level 2 is taught as a one-on-one* or group class during one day of intensive training. Reiki attunements will be performed individually for each student. At the end of the course the student will receive a certificate for that level of training.

All the information and techniques are covered including:

  • Reiki Lineage
  • Reiki symbols
  • Distance Healing
  • Chakra testing using a pendulum
  • How to give a complete Reiki treatment for self and others

The class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. Practice time includes giving and receiving a complete Reiki treatment using all the hand positions, practice using all the Reiki Level 2 symbols including distant healing.  You will receive a manual and Level 2 certification.

Please note there is a $50.00 Non Refundable deposit to secure your spot 


 Level 3

Usui Reiki Master / Teacher Level is taught as a one-on-one* or group class during one day of intensive training. Reiki attunements will be performed individually for each student. At the end of the course the student will receive a certificate for the Teacher / Master Level.

All the information and techniques are covered including:

  • The complete Usui Reiki Master attunement
  • Instruction on how to give Reiki attunements for Reiki Level 1, 2, 3
  • Breath work
  • Lots of practice time doing attunements

Detailed instructions are given about the Usui Reiki system of attunements.  A class manual is included that contains detailed step-by-step instructions for giving all the attunements. 

Please note there is a $50.00 Non Refundable deposit to secure your spot